Friday, February 8, 2013

Samsung Announces The Galaxy S Series Has Sold Over 100 Million Units

When it comes to technological innovation choosing between Samsung and Apple would be a tough dilemma. However whatever your decisions would be, it’s hard to disagree when Samsung announced that it has sold an unfathomable number of 100 million devices of a single type. Indeed Samsung is the best android manufacturer that provides stiff competition with Apple manufacturers. A number of 100 million user means that 1 out of 70 people in the world owns the device. Samsung has been producing a vast array of devices in the recent years and one of the most successful devices over the year is the flagship of Samsung Galaxy S III.  Galaxy S III has fueled the sales of Samsung being the world’s most popular Android device to reach approximately 200,000 units per day. With 30 million units sold in five months and 40 million in seven months there is no doubt that Samsung Galaxy S III is the fastest selling device in the pack. What made it more interesting is that Samsung doesn’t find it hard to skyrocket even when faced with a lot of competitors which means that even though consumers are faced with more choices than ever before they still find Galaxy S series amazing compared to any device.

We must take note that we are only counting the number of Galaxy S Series so if we happen to include the actual number of ‘Galaxy’ devices sold like Galaxy Note smartphones then the sales figures would go crazy. If we did count it though then we would expect a number to increase by another 30 million to 50 million. The Galaxy S sales will be expected to rocket even higher in the upcoming months when Samsung’s Galaxy S III successor launch and expected to boast a number of dazzling and stunning features that will definitely lure more consumers.

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